INFERT offers a full range of fully water-soluble compound fertilizers that contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and a wide range of chelated micro nutrients, taking into consideration the soil and water conditions in the region, e.g alkalinity and salinity properties.

INFERT offers a wide range of Granular fertilizer products designed to be part of our established plant nutrients range to cover both single and complex macro nutrients based on crop nutrients requirements and growth conditions in the region

INFERT offers a complete range of Suspension & liquid fertilizer, high purity and quality products guaranteed by full co-orperation and supports from the biggest global fertilizer producers in the world.​_

INFERT offers complete range of high quality special natural products; it’s completely water soluble acts as a natural soil and plant growth stimulant & contains a natural balance of major and minor nutrients, enzymes, and other organic substances. It can be used in open fields, greenhouses, gardens, houseplants, lawns, trees and ornamentals.

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